Those of you who have experienced life with a newborn will already know this, but for those that haven’t, your little angel will spend the vast majority of their time doing one of four things. Sleeping, eating, pooing….. and crying. Not necessarily in this order, and not necessarily one at a time, these four pillars of baby behaviour will soon dominate your daily routine. As you become more familiar with each different type of wail, shriek, whine and scream, you’ll soon start to figure out what they need and how to temporarily return the room to the serene haven it used to be before this little bundle of joy (and noise) entered your life.
Sometimes, however there just doesn’t seem to be a logical reason for their raucous complaining. When they’ve been fed to the brim, their peachy bottom is clean as a whistle and even the snuggliest of cuddles won’t cut it, what do you do? It was in this exact predicament that we found ourselves the other night – 3am to be precise. Whilst my initial reaction was to pull out a few remaining strands of greying hair, Gem took a more proactive approach and Googled some things to do with baby relaxation. She came across a video on YouTube for which I will be forever thankful… as may you. Since that night we’ve used it several times, and I would be lying if I said it worked every single time but a success rate of about 85% would be fairly accurate.
Describing what it is and how it works probably wouldn’t do it justice, so I recorded the effect it had on Thea to share with you all. The link to the video is below. Please give it a try and let me know in the comments how you get on…
You can find the video here… Newborn Sensory Stimulation video on YouTube
Thank you so much for sharing this you tube video!! Steve is now settled!!!